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Do You Know Your Wife? book

Think you know everything there is to know about your wife? This marriage game activity book for couples will be the judge…

120 in stock



120 in stock


Think you know everything there is to know about your wife? This marriage game activity book for couples will be the judge…

Quiz books for couples are a fun way to find out just how well you know your better half. Featuring 100 questions that range from…If you two had to move out of the country, where would she choose to go? to How often does she wash her hair? to What was her childhood nickname?Do You Know Your Wife? is a great husband and wife game to play—for newlyweds and those celebrating their twentieth anniversaries alike! Play as a couple on date night, or for the more competitive types, invite another couple over to go head-to-head and see who knows each other best.

Grab a pencil and find out…

  • Does she keep a photo of you in her wallet or at work?
  • Has she ever used a power saw?
  • How old was she on her first date?
  • At a picnic, what would she rather drink?
  • Which color does she think you look best in?

Also check out the companion book, Do You Know Your Husband? so you each have a go! Makes a great engagement party game or to give as a stocking stuffer, anniversary, Valentine’s Day or birthday gift for your hubby!


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