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It’s Debatable

Win points for winning arguments! This social game includes 200 game cards, each featuring opposing views of hot button issues. . . like how to load the dishwasher like an actual human being. Just...

3 in stock



3 in stock


Win points for winning arguments! This social game by Brass Monkey includes 200 game cards, each featuring opposing views of hot button issues. . . like how to load the dishwasher like an actual human being. Just pick a side, and debate it out. There’s no politics, religion, or any of that crap here. There are way more important things to fight about. For example: Those brownie edge pieces are garbage. Go ahead, prove others wrong. Includes 200 things to argue about. Are hot dogs sandwiches? Is cereal a soup? Pick a side, then pick a fight. Game instructions are provided.





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