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What Do You Do With An Idea Book

Once in a while, a picture book comes along and challenges every reader to recalibrate their expectations on what a picture book can deliver and accomplish. The books in this category contain...

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Once in a while, a picture book comes along and challenges every reader to recalibrate their expectations on what a picture book can deliver and accomplish. The books in this category contain creativity, mindfulness, complexity, masterful illustrations, and arresting inspiration. What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada and illustrated by Mae Besom, is one such picture book. What Do You Do With An Idea? is about a boy who has an idea, illustrated as a golden crowned egg with legs. The boy wonders about the peculiar golden biped; its origins, its purpose, its place in the world. The boy was uncomfortable, he was unsure what to do with the idea and so he tried to deny its existence. But the idea was persistent and would not leave, in fact it seemed to be growing and eventually, the boy got used to having this idea around. As the boy becomes more comfortable with the idea, he tentatively starts sharing it with others. Many laughed at the peculiar looking idea, as the boy suspected they would, but the boy perseveres. Becoming more confident, the boy decides to ignore his detractors and nurture and love the idea, to the point where he cant imagine life without it. The boy discovers his idea gives him the feeling of being alive and also perspective on seeing life differently.  With the boy’s attention and dedication, the idea beautifully changes the world and permanently becomes part of everything around him. Beautiful Compendium book.


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